Next Open Saturday: May 11 from 10am - 1pm .... Library will be CLOSED: Monday, May 27.

Read2Go app (1341) Check Availability

Read2Go is an app that allows users to read books from Bookshare.

  • Import Bookshare books into the app, then use text-to-speech to read the books.
  • The app also allows for customization such as changing the font style and the contrast of the text.

Please note: When you reserve an app, you have the option of borrowing it on your own device (iPad or iPhone) or on one of our library iPads. In the reservation notes please mention whether you want to use your own device or library device. If wanting to use your own device, watch for an email from us with instructions.

Requirements: Bookshare membership; Apps may require a specific minimum version of Apple’s operating system (iOS) on iPads and iPhones. Please look up the current iOS requirements for this app in iTunes and check the iOS version on your device to verify it will work on your device. 

Contents: N/A